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mother-in-law's wild strawberry jam will 49 satisfy your jam desire.But,
50 the average tinned or glass packed strawberry jam,you need - 51 a
cupful to get the idea of what you're eating.
Jerry swam out to the big . 52 rock,adjusted the goggles,and dived.The 53 of the water broke the runner-enclosed vacuum,and the goggles came
loose.He understood that he must swim down to the base of the rock 54 the surface of the water.He fixed the goggles tight and 55 filled his lungs, and floated,face down,on the water.Now,he could see.It was as if he had eyes of a different kind—fish-eyes that showed everything clear and delicate and 56 in the bright water.
VI.Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your
Answer Sheet.(20 points,2 points each for 57-60,4 points for 61,8 points for 62)
57. 自從文明開始以來,有些人就試圖逃離它,希望找到一種更簡單、更田 園、更平靜的生活。
58. 他的發際線每天都在升高。他曾觀察到身邊金發的男人總是先禿頂。不
59. 如果你以某個合理的理由向上司請假離開辦公室,拒絕你比答應你更能 夠使他的權力欲得到滿足。
60. 他像一直以來那樣倔,還有點慢,但已經準備要轉身了。不,她確定他
61. 他們無法去比較,認定這就是他那個階層的特點,就好像一個在異國港 口下船吃午餐的游客始終是從一個碰巧與他同桌的狡猾商人身上總結出 該國的特點一樣。
62. 這意味著他們已經到了在面試中應聘者問一兩個機智問題的時候了。米奇 翹起二郎腿。錢,就是那個大問題,尤其是與他所得到的其他工作提供的 薪酬相比。但是,他很清楚,像所有其他公司一樣,他們必須避免直接談 及這個問題,直到事態變得尷尬,顯然除了錢他們已經再沒有其他任何可 談的了。
每小題選出答案后,用2B 鉛筆把答題紙上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮 擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標號。不能答在試題卷上。
I. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions.Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your
Answer Sheet.(15 points,1 point for each)
1.I was bored to death as I had to sit through several speeches the whole afternoon
A.pretentious B.courageous
C.tedious D.precarious
2.Somehow the small but woman fought her way through the crowd to reach her son after the earthquake.
A.notorious B.formidable
C.sinister D,strenuous
3.He strode on stage,and then proceeded to the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin.
A.coax B.coerce
C.solicit D.summon
4.The young man threw himself in front of a train in a effort to save the girl.
每小題選出答案后,用2B 鉛筆把答題紙上對應題目的答案標號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮 擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標號。不能答在試題卷上。
I. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions.Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your
Answer Sheet.(15 points,1 point for each)
1.I was bored to death as I had to sit through several speeches the whole afternoon
A.pretentious B.courageous
C.tedious D.precarious
2.Somehow the small but woman fought her way through the crowd to reach her son after the earthquake.
A.notorious B.formidable
C.sinister D,strenuous
3.He strode on stage,and then proceeded to the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin.
A.coax B.coerce
C.solicit D.summon
4.The young man threw himself in front of a train in a effort to save the girl.
5.To the people taking the evening air on the boulevards,the patrol is a source of delight.
A.never-setting B.never-failing
C.non-competitive D.non-attributable
6.Traders on the New York Stock Exchange monitored their screens and took a
wait-and-see approach as prices
A.slipped B.differed
C.fossilized D.fluctuated
7.Any doubts about his leadership were by his extraordinary performance. A.purged B.scraped
C.purified D.scrubbed
8.The benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance. A.bond B.mortgage
C.fringe D.pension
9.The store earned 20 percent more this month than it did in the _month last year
A.analogous B.correlative
C.equivalent D.corresponding
10.He in front of the girls,head up and chest out,trying to get their attention.
A.sneaked B.strutted
C.staggered D.stomped
11.She resigned for fear that her initiative would be by the cumbersome bureaucracy in the organization.
A.strangled B.strained
C.straightened D.strapped
12.The project was so difficult that all the other teams thought we would give it up.But we it and eventually it was done.
A.came at B.jumped at
C.kept at D.picked at
13.The current status of robot evolution will technophiles,sci-fi fans and
those with an interest in the social sciences.
A.manipulate B.disenchant
C.contrive D.intrigue
14.Being a narcotics agent,Lucy's husband often has to work for over twenty hours
A.up to date B.at a stroke
C.up to scratch D.at a stretch
A.never-setting B.never-failing
C.non-competitive D.non-attributable
6.Traders on the New York Stock Exchange monitored their screens and took a
wait-and-see approach as prices
A.slipped B.differed
C.fossilized D.fluctuated
7.Any doubts about his leadership were by his extraordinary performance. A.purged B.scraped
C.purified D.scrubbed
8.The benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance. A.bond B.mortgage
C.fringe D.pension
9.The store earned 20 percent more this month than it did in the _month last year
A.analogous B.correlative
C.equivalent D.corresponding
10.He in front of the girls,head up and chest out,trying to get their attention.
A.sneaked B.strutted
C.staggered D.stomped
11.She resigned for fear that her initiative would be by the cumbersome bureaucracy in the organization.
A.strangled B.strained
C.straightened D.strapped
12.The project was so difficult that all the other teams thought we would give it up.But we it and eventually it was done.
A.came at B.jumped at
C.kept at D.picked at
13.The current status of robot evolution will technophiles,sci-fi fans and
those with an interest in the social sciences.
A.manipulate B.disenchant
C.contrive D.intrigue
14.Being a narcotics agent,Lucy's husband often has to work for over twenty hours
A.up to date B.at a stroke
C.up to scratch D.at a stretch
15.The artist issued an apology right after the scandal.But his was short-lived,as he deleted the post a couple of days later.
A.conspiracy B.contrition
C.condemnation D.contingency
Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items II,II,IV.
(1)Nazca (納斯卡)is one of South America's most perplexing archaeological riddles and one of the world's most beautiful works of art. Etched upon Peru's vast,barren Nazca Plains are hundreds of long,ruler-straight lines, immense geometric symbols and giant drawings of curious birds and animals, the work of pre-Inca Peruvians 1,500 years ago.
(2) Nazca was first revealed to modern eyes in 1926 when three explorers looked down on the desert from a hillside at dusk and briefly saw a Nazca line highlighted by the low slanting rays of the sun. But it was not until the Peruvian air force took aerial photographs in the 1940s that the full magnificence of the panorama was apparent.It was as if a dozen deserted airports were spread out across the plains.Hundreds of what looked like “landing strips”for aircraft were revealed.There were eighteen condor(禿 鷹)-like bird drawings,up to 400 feet long;four-sided figures with two lines parallel;and long needle-like triangles which ran for miles.Often the long lines met,like star-clusters.Among the many abstract patterns were a giant spider,a monkey,a shark,reptiles and flowers,all drawn on the ground on a huge scale.
(3) The scale is monumental,but from the ground almost invisible and totally incomprehensible. The amazing fact about Nazca,created more than 1,500 years ago,is that it can only be appreciated if seen from the air.Many, therefore,regarded it as a prehistoric landing ground for visitors from outer space,but Jim Woodman,an American explorer,who was long fascinated by the mystery of Nazca,was convinced that the ingenious ancient people of the area had learned to fly.He believed that Nazca only made sense if the people who had designed and made these vast drawings on the ground could actually see them,and that led him to the theory that the ancient Peruvians had somehow learned to fly,as only from above could they really see the extent of their handiwork.With this theory in mind,he researched into ancient
Peruvian legends about flight and came to the conclusion that the only
A.conspiracy B.contrition
C.condemnation D.contingency
Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items II,II,IV.
(1)Nazca (納斯卡)is one of South America's most perplexing archaeological riddles and one of the world's most beautiful works of art. Etched upon Peru's vast,barren Nazca Plains are hundreds of long,ruler-straight lines, immense geometric symbols and giant drawings of curious birds and animals, the work of pre-Inca Peruvians 1,500 years ago.
(2) Nazca was first revealed to modern eyes in 1926 when three explorers looked down on the desert from a hillside at dusk and briefly saw a Nazca line highlighted by the low slanting rays of the sun. But it was not until the Peruvian air force took aerial photographs in the 1940s that the full magnificence of the panorama was apparent.It was as if a dozen deserted airports were spread out across the plains.Hundreds of what looked like “landing strips”for aircraft were revealed.There were eighteen condor(禿 鷹)-like bird drawings,up to 400 feet long;four-sided figures with two lines parallel;and long needle-like triangles which ran for miles.Often the long lines met,like star-clusters.Among the many abstract patterns were a giant spider,a monkey,a shark,reptiles and flowers,all drawn on the ground on a huge scale.
(3) The scale is monumental,but from the ground almost invisible and totally incomprehensible. The amazing fact about Nazca,created more than 1,500 years ago,is that it can only be appreciated if seen from the air.Many, therefore,regarded it as a prehistoric landing ground for visitors from outer space,but Jim Woodman,an American explorer,who was long fascinated by the mystery of Nazca,was convinced that the ingenious ancient people of the area had learned to fly.He believed that Nazca only made sense if the people who had designed and made these vast drawings on the ground could actually see them,and that led him to the theory that the ancient Peruvians had somehow learned to fly,as only from above could they really see the extent of their handiwork.With this theory in mind,he researched into ancient
Peruvian legends about flight and came to the conclusion that the only
feasible answer was a hot-air balloon.To make such a balloon in the way the ancients must have done,Woodman learned that he would require four things: textiles,to make the bag to trap and hold the hot air;a power source like fire to heat the air;calm weather to allow the inflation of the balloon;and the intelligence to devise such a craft.
(4)Peruvian mythology was full of ideas about flying.Ample evidence of this was found in the designs on Nazca pottery and tapestries and the art of ballooning survives today among primitive South American peoples.One of the theories about the balloons was that it was the way in which some Incas returned their dead to the gods—by hot-air balloons that soared out of sight towards the sun before prevailing winds a mile or more up wafted them out over the Pacific Ocean to sink unseen into the water as the air cooled at
(5)Woodman built a balloon-type airship of the same fabrics and fibers that would have been available to the men of Nazca at the time. It was high adventure and culminated in the spectacular flight of a balloon which Woodman called “Condor I”. There was no doubt about it,only from the aii could the full glory of Nazca be appreciated.“Flying between 300 and 1,000 feet,the sheer size,scope and beauty of Nazca is electrifying.Soaring above it all,I knew that ancient eyes had seen the immense creation below.Ancient man could never have built and devised all this and never seen it,”said Woodman.“If we,as‘modern men',could fashion a flying craft by using only cotton,hemp and fire,surely those who were there in Peru centuries before could have done the same.Everything necessary to fly was there.” Jim Woodman's flight was a modern demonstration of an ancient possibility.
(6)His practical demonstration may have been spectacular,but Woodman had failed to impress the historic and scientific community.While not as outlandish as Erich von Däniken's extraterrestrial orientated Nazca theories, Woodman's hot air balloon concept is largely discredited. A large number of holes in Woodman's theory have been pointed out,many of which center upon his inconsistent and inexact supporting evidence. However,what Woodman accomplished with the Nazca hot air balloon was not without lasting merit. The successful though short-lived flight of Condor I raised some interesting questions about aviation history and the history of technological development as a whole.
(4)Peruvian mythology was full of ideas about flying.Ample evidence of this was found in the designs on Nazca pottery and tapestries and the art of ballooning survives today among primitive South American peoples.One of the theories about the balloons was that it was the way in which some Incas returned their dead to the gods—by hot-air balloons that soared out of sight towards the sun before prevailing winds a mile or more up wafted them out over the Pacific Ocean to sink unseen into the water as the air cooled at
(5)Woodman built a balloon-type airship of the same fabrics and fibers that would have been available to the men of Nazca at the time. It was high adventure and culminated in the spectacular flight of a balloon which Woodman called “Condor I”. There was no doubt about it,only from the aii could the full glory of Nazca be appreciated.“Flying between 300 and 1,000 feet,the sheer size,scope and beauty of Nazca is electrifying.Soaring above it all,I knew that ancient eyes had seen the immense creation below.Ancient man could never have built and devised all this and never seen it,”said Woodman.“If we,as‘modern men',could fashion a flying craft by using only cotton,hemp and fire,surely those who were there in Peru centuries before could have done the same.Everything necessary to fly was there.” Jim Woodman's flight was a modern demonstration of an ancient possibility.
(6)His practical demonstration may have been spectacular,but Woodman had failed to impress the historic and scientific community.While not as outlandish as Erich von Däniken's extraterrestrial orientated Nazca theories, Woodman's hot air balloon concept is largely discredited. A large number of holes in Woodman's theory have been pointed out,many of which center upon his inconsistent and inexact supporting evidence. However,what Woodman accomplished with the Nazca hot air balloon was not without lasting merit. The successful though short-lived flight of Condor I raised some interesting questions about aviation history and the history of technological development as a whole.
II.In this section,there are ten incomplete statements or questions,followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.(20 points,2 points for each)
16.The word "Etched"in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A.Situated B.Spread
C.Covered D.Carved
17.The significance of the aerial photographs mentioned in Paragraph 2 lies in
A.outlining all the details of Nazca
B.showing the whole view of Nazca
C.revealing a dozen deserted airports
D.solving the mystery of the handicraft
18.According to Paragraph 2,the spectacle at Nazca is unique in presenting
abstract images of
A.hillsides and mountains
B.landing strips for aircraft
C.birds,animals and flowers
D.parallel lines and triangles
19.The word"ingenious"in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A.genuine B.generous
C.creative D.industrious
20.Woodman's research led him to believe that the ancient Peruvians
A.worshipped balloon-gods
B.were not capable of flying
C.were the first to make balloons
D.could fly by means of balloons
21.Under what circumstances could the magnificence of the handiwork become comprehensible based on Woodman's belief?
A.If the designers could catch sight of it from the sky.
B.If the creators'desire to complete it could be evoked.
C.After the local people had mastered the flying theories.
D.After the craftsmen had acquired the skill of vast drawing.
16.The word "Etched"in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A.Situated B.Spread
C.Covered D.Carved
17.The significance of the aerial photographs mentioned in Paragraph 2 lies in
A.outlining all the details of Nazca
B.showing the whole view of Nazca
C.revealing a dozen deserted airports
D.solving the mystery of the handicraft
18.According to Paragraph 2,the spectacle at Nazca is unique in presenting
abstract images of
A.hillsides and mountains
B.landing strips for aircraft
C.birds,animals and flowers
D.parallel lines and triangles
19.The word"ingenious"in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A.genuine B.generous
C.creative D.industrious
20.Woodman's research led him to believe that the ancient Peruvians
A.worshipped balloon-gods
B.were not capable of flying
C.were the first to make balloons
D.could fly by means of balloons
21.Under what circumstances could the magnificence of the handiwork become comprehensible based on Woodman's belief?
A.If the designers could catch sight of it from the sky.
B.If the creators'desire to complete it could be evoked.
C.After the local people had mastered the flying theories.
D.After the craftsmen had acquired the skill of vast drawing.
22.According to Paragraph 4,the major function of the prevailing winds was to
make the balloons
A.cool down at sunset
B.fly higher over the Plains
C.drift towards the Pacific Ocean
D.soar out of sight towards the sun
23.The word“merit”in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to A.legacy B.value C.solution D.effect
24.The author of the passage intends to
A.reveal ancient South Americans'religious beliefs
B.showcase ancient people's unparalleled creative power
C.guide the reader to explore the picturesque landscape in Peru D.introduce the complicated process of making hot-air balloons
25.It can be inferred from the passage that Nazca remains a mysterious archaeological riddle because
A.its miraculous design is beyond the reach of archaeologists
B.its abstract images bear incomprehensible symbolic meanings C.its underlying religious beliefs are mysterious to modern people
D.its exquisite craftsmanship seems to be a secret to archaeologists
III.Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet.(10 points,2 points for each)
26.Nazca was first revealed to modern eyes in 1926 when three explorers looked down on the desert from a hillside at dusk and briefly saw a Nazca line highlighted by the low slanting rays of the sun.
27.The scale is monumental,but from the ground almost invisible and totally incomprehensible.
28.It was high adventure and culminated in the spectacular flight of a balloon
which Woodman called "Condor I".
29.Jim Woodman's flight was a modern demonstration of an ancient possibility.
30.A large number of holes in Woodman's theory have been pointed out,many of
which center upon his inconsistent and inexact supporting evidence. 00600#高級英語試題第6頁(共8頁)
make the balloons
A.cool down at sunset
B.fly higher over the Plains
C.drift towards the Pacific Ocean
D.soar out of sight towards the sun
23.The word“merit”in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to A.legacy B.value C.solution D.effect
24.The author of the passage intends to
A.reveal ancient South Americans'religious beliefs
B.showcase ancient people's unparalleled creative power
C.guide the reader to explore the picturesque landscape in Peru D.introduce the complicated process of making hot-air balloons
25.It can be inferred from the passage that Nazca remains a mysterious archaeological riddle because
A.its miraculous design is beyond the reach of archaeologists
B.its abstract images bear incomprehensible symbolic meanings C.its underlying religious beliefs are mysterious to modern people
D.its exquisite craftsmanship seems to be a secret to archaeologists
III.Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet.(10 points,2 points for each)
26.Nazca was first revealed to modern eyes in 1926 when three explorers looked down on the desert from a hillside at dusk and briefly saw a Nazca line highlighted by the low slanting rays of the sun.
27.The scale is monumental,but from the ground almost invisible and totally incomprehensible.
28.It was high adventure and culminated in the spectacular flight of a balloon
which Woodman called "Condor I".
29.Jim Woodman's flight was a modern demonstration of an ancient possibility.
30.A large number of holes in Woodman's theory have been pointed out,many of
which center upon his inconsistent and inexact supporting evidence. 00600#高級英語試題第6頁(共8頁)
IV.Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words.Write your
answer on your Answer Sheet.(10 points)
31.The Great Wall is one of the ancient wonders of the world.What do you think
are its historical and contemporary significance?
V.T he following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks,followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y.Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.One word or expression
for each blank only.(25 points,1 point for each)
This is one of the oldest expedients,and it can be practiced anywhere,at any age, 32 with or without the use of hallucinogens.It always has been the strategy of choice for people who find the world too brutal or too complex to be endured.By definition,this way of life is 33 .In one way or another,its practitioners 34 on the society which they 35 and in which they refuse to take any responsibility.Some of us find this distasteful—an undignified kind of life.But for the poor in spirit,with low levels of both energy and pride,it may be the least 36 choice available.
The old people sat on the bench,still as statues.Never mind,there was always the 37 to watch.To and 38 in front of the flower-beds and the band rotunda,the couples and groups paraded,stopped to talk,to greet,to buy a 39 of flowers from the old beggar who had his tray 40 to the railings. Little children ran among them, 41 and laughing;little boys with big white silk bows under their chins;little girls,little French dolls,dressed up in velvet and lace.
There is the popularly accepted opinion that Social Security and pensions provide a comfortable and reliable 42 of funds so the elderly have few financial worries.Medicare has lulled the population 43 reassuring itself
that the once terrible financial burdens of late-life illnesses are now 44 Advertisements and travel folders show relaxed,happy,well-dressed older people 45 recreation,travel and their grandchildren.If they are no longer living in the old family home,they are 46 as delighted residents of retirement communities with names like Leisure World and Sun City,with lots of grass,clean air and fun.
I wonder if this 47 of our diet doesn't explain why so many of us are overweight and even 48 so.When things had flavor,we knew what we were eating all the while—and it satisfied us.A teaspoonful of my
answer on your Answer Sheet.(10 points)
31.The Great Wall is one of the ancient wonders of the world.What do you think
are its historical and contemporary significance?
V.T he following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks,followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y.Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.One word or expression
for each blank only.(25 points,1 point for each)
This is one of the oldest expedients,and it can be practiced anywhere,at any age, 32 with or without the use of hallucinogens.It always has been the strategy of choice for people who find the world too brutal or too complex to be endured.By definition,this way of life is 33 .In one way or another,its practitioners 34 on the society which they 35 and in which they refuse to take any responsibility.Some of us find this distasteful—an undignified kind of life.But for the poor in spirit,with low levels of both energy and pride,it may be the least 36 choice available.
The old people sat on the bench,still as statues.Never mind,there was always the 37 to watch.To and 38 in front of the flower-beds and the band rotunda,the couples and groups paraded,stopped to talk,to greet,to buy a 39 of flowers from the old beggar who had his tray 40 to the railings. Little children ran among them, 41 and laughing;little boys with big white silk bows under their chins;little girls,little French dolls,dressed up in velvet and lace.
There is the popularly accepted opinion that Social Security and pensions provide a comfortable and reliable 42 of funds so the elderly have few financial worries.Medicare has lulled the population 43 reassuring itself
that the once terrible financial burdens of late-life illnesses are now 44 Advertisements and travel folders show relaxed,happy,well-dressed older people 45 recreation,travel and their grandchildren.If they are no longer living in the old family home,they are 46 as delighted residents of retirement communities with names like Leisure World and Sun City,with lots of grass,clean air and fun.
I wonder if this 47 of our diet doesn't explain why so many of us are overweight and even 48 so.When things had flavor,we knew what we were eating all the while—and it satisfied us.A teaspoonful of my
mother-in-law's wild strawberry jam will 49 satisfy your jam desire.But,
50 the average tinned or glass packed strawberry jam,you need - 51 a
cupful to get the idea of what you're eating.
Jerry swam out to the big . 52 rock,adjusted the goggles,and dived.The 53 of the water broke the runner-enclosed vacuum,and the goggles came
loose.He understood that he must swim down to the base of the rock 54 the surface of the water.He fixed the goggles tight and 55 filled his lungs, and floated,face down,on the water.Now,he could see.It was as if he had eyes of a different kind—fish-eyes that showed everything clear and delicate and 56 in the bright water.
A.wavering | B.pictured | C.into | D.crowd | E.fixed |
F.and | G.handful | H.blandness | I.firm | J.swooping |
K.enjoying | L.from | M.dangerously | N.eradicated | 0.parasitic |
P.impact | Q.barrier | R.intolerable | S.of | T.frc |
U.flow | V.scorn | W.half | X.batten | Y.entirely |
Answer Sheet.(20 points,2 points each for 57-60,4 points for 61,8 points for 62)
57. 自從文明開始以來,有些人就試圖逃離它,希望找到一種更簡單、更田 園、更平靜的生活。
58. 他的發際線每天都在升高。他曾觀察到身邊金發的男人總是先禿頂。不
59. 如果你以某個合理的理由向上司請假離開辦公室,拒絕你比答應你更能 夠使他的權力欲得到滿足。
60. 他像一直以來那樣倔,還有點慢,但已經準備要轉身了。不,她確定他
61. 他們無法去比較,認定這就是他那個階層的特點,就好像一個在異國港 口下船吃午餐的游客始終是從一個碰巧與他同桌的狡猾商人身上總結出 該國的特點一樣。
62. 這意味著他們已經到了在面試中應聘者問一兩個機智問題的時候了。米奇 翹起二郎腿。錢,就是那個大問題,尤其是與他所得到的其他工作提供的 薪酬相比。但是,他很清楚,像所有其他公司一樣,他們必須避免直接談 及這個問題,直到事態變得尷尬,顯然除了錢他們已經再沒有其他任何可 談的了。



