一 、單項選擇題:本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分。在每小題列出的備選項中只有 一項是最符合題目要求的,請將其選出。 MultipleChoice(20 points inall,1foreach) Complete each ofthe following statements by choosingoneappropriateanswerfrom thefour optionsgiven.
1.Beowulfis composed around the ninth century in a form of
A.lyrics B.folk songs C.epics D.sagas
2.Even though called a humanist scholar, did not have much in common with the
humanists of his time.
A.John Skelton B.John Milton C.John Dryden D.John Lyly
3.John Lyly's peculiar style came to be known as “ ”,which is a peculiar style of English
A.dialect B.euphuism C.slang D.vulgarization
4.“That time of year thou mayst in me behold”is the beginning line of one of William
A.comedjes B.tragedies C.novels D.sonnets
5.“Reading makes a full man;conferences a ready man;and writing an exact man”could be
found in
A.Thomas More's Utopia
B.Francis Bacon's“Of Studies" C.Charles Dickens'sGreat Expectations
D.Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles
6.“From rest and sleep,which but thy pictures be”is taken from the poem written by
A.Geoffrey Chaucer B.John Donne
C.Edmund Spenser D.Thomas Gray
7.The following statements about Robinson Crusoe are true EXCEPT
A.Crusoe rescues a prisoner,naming him Friday
B.it is written in the autobiographical form
C.it is a record of Defoe's own experience
D.Crusoe is rescued by a British ship and returns to England
8.“Their heads and breasts were covered with a thick hair,some frizzled,and others lank”is the
excerpt from Swift's A.Gulliver'sTravelsB.A Taleofa Tub C.TheBattle oftheBooksD.AModestProposal
9.That is NOT true about William Wordsworth.
A.he asserts that poetry must concern itself with "the primary laws of our nature" B.LyricalBalladsmarksthebeginningoftheRomanticmovementinliterature
C.he had mixed joys and terrors of his boyhood D.ThePreludeishismostnotableessay
10.One can see the deserted,poverty-stricken child in A.GreatExpectationsB.DombeyandSon C.OliverTwist D.David Copperfield
11.Of the following 4 writers, belongs to "the stream of consciousness"school.
A.Thomas Hardy B.Virginia Woolf
C.D.H.Lawrence D.Thomas More
12.In one can read three couples who define their lives by their hatred of a tyrannical film
producer. A.ABetter Class ofPerson B.LookBack in Anger C.The Hotelin Amsterdam D.InadmissibleEvidence
13. William Bradford worked on from 1630 to 1651,writing from notes,correspondence,
and memory. A.Mourts RelationB.GovernorBradfordsLetterBook C.TheHistoryofNewEnglandD.OfPlymouthPlantation
14.Edward Taylor's can be evidenced by the Poem "Upon a Wasp Chilled with Cold". A.fascination with nature B.enthusiasm about sport
C.passion for music D.hatred for oppression
15.Known as an American“saint”, helped shape most of the important political,social,
and intellectual developments in eighteenth-century America.
A.Philip Freneau B.Mark Twain
C.Washington Irving D.Benjamin Franklin
16.Bom in western Africa. was remarkably the first African American of either sex to
publish a collection of poetry in colonial America.
A.Jane Austen B.Emily Dickinson
C.Willa Cather D.Phillis Wheatley
17.“Success is counted sweetest"is taken from the poem "Success”written by
A.Robert Frost B.John Keats
C.Emily Dickinson D.William Cullen Bryant
18.In 1850, was published,for which Nathaniel Hawthorne became famous. A.Twice-ToldTales B.TheScarletLetter C.Mossesfrom an OldManseD.TheMarbleFaun
19.Theodore Dreiser's finest novel was ,which tells how an upstart businessman
degenerates into a murderer and ends up in shame. A.AnAmericanTragedyB.Sister Carrie C.TheFinancierD.Dawn
20. The novel tells about Buck,who is half St.Bernard and half sheepdog. A.The Call oftheWildB.TheSea-Wolf C.TheIronHeel D.MartinEden
非選擇題部分 注意事項: 用黑色字跡的簽字筆或鋼筆將答案寫在答題紙上,不能答在試題卷上。
二、填空題:本大題共10小題,每小題3個空,每個空1分,共30分。 Blank Filling(30 points inall,1foreachblank) Complete each ofthe following statements or quotesbyfillingintheblankswith words/phrases given in parentheses. 21.InEcclesiasticalHistoryoftheEnglishPeople,Bedewrites:
On ,when he did just that,he left the building of and went out to ,the
care of which had been given to him that night.
(the drinking party,the animal shed,a certain occasion)
22.Here are the words from John Lyly's"Advice to a Foreign Visitor to England":
At thy coming into England be not too inquisitive of news,neither curious in of State,
in ask no questions,either concerning or men.
23.Quotes from Francis Bacon's “Of Parents and Children":
Let parents choose betimes the they mean their children should take,for then they are most flexible;and let them not too much apply themselves to the of their children,as thinking they will take best to that which they have most to.
(mind,vocations and courses,disposition)
24.The following words are taken from Samuel Johnson's “On What They can be Thinking?".
It is reasonable to believe that ,like everything else,has its ;that it must
proceed from something known,done,or suffered;and must produce some (causes and effects,thought,action or event)
25.Readers may find the of nature,the of memory,and the of sensation in“Daffodils”.(richness,companionship,endurance)
26.Bertrand Russell began his "What I Have Lived For"with this sentence:
Three passions,simple but overwhelmingly strong,have governed my life:the for
love,the for knowledge,and unbearable for the suffering of mankind. (search,pity,longing)
27.As an artist,Anne Bradstreet was unique in her and progressed far beyond
reached by numerous religious and domestic who flourished two centuries later.
(female writers,time and place,the level)
28.Benjamin Franklin began his Autobiography with this sentence:
I have been the more particular in this description of my ,and shall be so of my first
into that city,that you may in your compare such unlikely beginnings with the
figure I have since made there.(entry,mind,journey)
29.According to Ralph Waldo Emerson's famous essay “Nature":
The of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each
other;who has retained the of infancy even into the of manhood.
30.After a brief period of turbulence in his personal life during the mid-1950s,Arthur Miller returned to the American stage and produced many of various and social
三 、正誤判斷題:本大題共10小題,每小題1分,共10分。 Trueor FalseQuestions(10 points inall,1foreach) Readeachof thefollowingstatements.Decidewhetheritistrueorfalse.Write“T”for trueand“F”forfalseinthebracketprovided.
31.( )Before Geoffrey Chaucer took to write,most texts in England were composed in Greek
or Spanish 32.()TheTragicalHistoryofDoctorFaustustellsthestoryofadoctorFaustuswhowishesto
pursue the worldly power,luxury and sensual pleasure by magic.
33.( )“A little more than kin,and less than kind”can be found in William Shakespeare's Hamlet.
34.( )Samuel Johnson's classic The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire was
published in six volumes between 1776 and 1788.
35.( )Much of Percy Bysshe Shelly's early philosophy in poetry and politics is expressed in A DefenceofPoetry.
36.( )W.B.Yeats wrote and produced AI the Hawk's Well in 1916 with Japanese-like masks.
37.( )On September 16,1620,the Pilgrims set out for America on the Titanic. 38.()LettersfromanAmericanFarmerbyCrèvecoeuroccupiesauniqueplaceinAmerican
literary history.
39.( )Walden became Ralph Waldo Emerson's supreme achievement and one of the most
accomplished works in American literature.
40.( )F.Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece,The Great Gatsby,is one of the most widely read
American noyels
四、簡答題:本大題共4小題,41~42題,每題6分,43~44題,每題9分,共30分。 Short AnswerQuestions(30 points inall,12for thefirst two,18forthelasttwo)
41. ReadthefollowingexcerptfromJaneAusten'sPrideandPrejudice.Summarizewhat this story is about within100words.
It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood,this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding
families,that he is considered the rightful property of someone or other of their daughters.
O my luve's like a red,red rose
That's newly sprung in June;
O my luve's like the melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune!
As fair art thou,my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still,my dear,
Till a'the seas gang dry.
43.GivecommentsonthefollowingpassagefromVirginiaWoolf's"TheDeathof theMoth" in termsof its theme within150words.
Moths that flyby day are not properly to be called moths;they do not excite that pleasant sense of dark autumn nights and ivy-blossom which the commonest yellow-underwing asleep in the shadow of the curtain never fails to rouse in us.They are hybrid creatures,neither gay like butterflies nor sombre like their own species.Nevertheless the present specimen,with his narrow hay-coloured wings,fringed with a tassel of the same colour,seemed to be content
with life
44.AnalyzethefollowingstanzafromWaltWhitman's"SongofMyself”within150words in terms ofits artisticfeatures.
I celebrate myself,and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.
My tongue,every atom of my blood,form'd from this soil,this air,
Born here of parents born here from parents the same,and their parents the same,
I,now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,
Hoping to cease not till death.
五、論述題:本題10分。 Essay Question (10points)
45.Writeashortessayof 250~300 wordsinEnglishonthe American DreamembodiedinF.ScottFitzgerald'snovels.