I. Choose the best answer from the choicesgivenandblackenthecorrespondingletter A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(1%×20=20%)
1.Constant monitoring,over-scheduling and protecting children from their own problems can
come a cost.
A.by B.at C.through D.with
2. They would have been here by now if they the early train.
A.caught B.had caught C.did catch D.would catch
3. The hotel we stayed was both cheap and comfortable
A.at which B.wherever C.which D.in that
4.This is the only one of the many houses here which destroyed by the earthquake.
A.were B.was C.had D.to be
5. He won't go on doing the job he gets his salary raised.
A.when B.after C.if D.unless
6. “You cannot answer this question?”
““ .I know very little about the subject.”
A.Yes B.No C.All right D.Never
7. Hardly any training in spoken English,he felt nervous when he was asked to interpret for the speaker.
A.having he had B.did he have C.has he had D.had he had
8. He suddenly left for Paris yesterday, was more than we had expected. A.that B.what C.this D.which
9.At last count,by the end of last year,the Oriental TV Tower by a million people.
A.was visited B.would be visited
C.has been visited D.had been visited
10.Instead of direct discounts ,larger sizes or free samples are offered by manufactures or shops.
A.are offered B.being offered
C.offer D.offering
11.Andy's flight from New York took more than 13 hours.He _be exhausted after such a long time.
A.must B.cannot C.had to D.couldn't
12.He tried a new microphone and was able to make himself . A.using…to hear B.use…hear
C.using…heard D.use…heard
13.She is not a musician than her brother.
A.more as B.more of C.much as D.much of
14. 1 for my turn to use the phone.It seemed years.But the lady in the box was still in
the middle of a heated conversation.
A.waited B.have waited
C.had been waiting D.was waiting
15.They insisted that he given the job for the qualification seen from his resume.
A.would be B.was C.be D.had been 16.You leave a margin on the left when you take dictation as required.
A.ought to B.can C.could D.dare
17.The best way him is not an inch.If you do,he'll take a foot to deal with. A.to deal with…giving B.dealing with…giving
C.to deal with…to give D.dealing with….to give
18.You'd better go there by high-speed railway.The railway ticket is the air fare during the Spring Festival
A.cheaper twice than B.twice cheaper than
C.twice as cheap D.twice cheap as
19.Her queer way of making-up attracted the attention of the on the Times Square that day.
A.passers-by B.passer-bys C.passers-bys D.passer-by
20. All of his furniture from IKEA,which suited the style of the house.
A.is B.are C.was D.were
II.FillintheblanksontheANSWERSHEETwithoneoftheitemsgiven. (2%×10=20%) 21.as,so,such;willleave,haveleft,hadleft
Unfortunately,the movie didn't live up to expectations.The worst part is the ending.The
movies ends predictably that you'll wish you the theater earlier. 22.In orderto,Such that,Rather than;started,starting,to start
In the early 1970s,a young British couple named Marilyn and Maurice Bailey decided to move to New Zealand. flying to their destination,the couple chose instead their new lives by sailing from England to New Zealand aboard their yacht Auralyn. 23.which,where,that;that,what,which
Many of today's schools are more like“information factories"-places we memorize as much data as we can (most of we later forget)so that we can“pass a test"
Kids need to learn that school bullying is unacceptable.If even minor acts of bullying serious consequences,parents would keep a eye on their children's
behavior 25.hadstolen,hadbeenstolen,havebeenstolen;yet,that,but
Logan finally decided that,although he might not recover the money that from him,he would have the pleasure of seeing the thief punished.Soon,Logan could think of
little else vengeance. 26.emphasizing,emphasis,emphasizes;with,about,to
“If wishes were horses,beggars would ride.”is an old saying that the futility of
dreaming unrealistic good fortune. 27.debrie,debris,debrises;shortjean,jeanshorts,shortsjeans
The young man was filthy.Little bits of straw and other littered his hair.His shirt and baggy were stained and ragged. 28.Heat,Heated,Heating;has,have,/
Scientists cannot agree on the value of the Milgram study. debate and angry disagreement surrounded the controversial research ever since the first
experiment was completed. 29.had been,were,are;then,when,which
lf you raised in a time of plenty, products were readily available and
relatively inexpensive,you would believe that prosperity is natural and expectable.
workplace is unique in history.Never before have we seen people working together who represent different backgrounds and experiences.
I.FillintheblanksontheANSWERSHEETwithanitemasrequired. (1%×20=20%)
31.With a determiner:
The girl behaves much more maturely than the other,but actually they are of age. 32. With a determiner:
No matter what happens,one should always see bright side of life. 33.With a determiner:
The New Year's party was a great success:almost the students were satisfied with
the activities organized by the Students'Union.
34.With a determiner:
The street with trees and flowers on side is the most beautiful one in my
35.With a modal auxiliary:
John delivered a wonderful speech at the meeting yesterday.He have spent a lot
of time preparing for it.
36.With a modal auxiliary:
His colleagues were wondering how he challenge the boss,for he always looked rather timid.
37.With a preposition:
At the seaside,we saw the sun slowly rise the horizon and a new day began. 38.With a preposition:
Many significant changes took place the end of the Second World War and the
turn of the century in the fields of politics,economy,culture and science.
39.With a preposition:
With the doctor's careful treatment,the patient was soon his feet. 40.With a preposition:
Hindus see cows as sacred and abstain eating beef,while Muslims view pigs as unclean and avoid pork.
41.With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:
He was the man had the best opportunity to capitalize on the discovery of gold, but he never even tried.
42.With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:
I share a room with a philosophy student who likes to sit up half the night talking about philosophy, is a real nuisance.
43.With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:
Once a week he went to the riverside _he could spend the whole day doing
44.With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:
The first reason you should seriously think about giving up bottled water is that it's bad for the environment.
45.With a coordinator or subordinator:
As a housewife,she does cleaning,shopping,cooking the like almost every day, and she feels really bored.
46.With a coordinator or subordinator:
It doesn't matter whether you go to Oxford Harvard;it does matter whether you have independent thinking.
47.With a coordinator or subordinator:
The firemen were unable to determine exactly caused the fire and they would continue the investigation.
48.With a question tag
Students may not refer to textbooks in the exam, ?
49.With a question tag
Let's take a look at the result of the test, ?
50.With a question tag:
He didn't think that it was his fault, ?
51.Using passive voice:
Why did no one inform me of the change of plans?
52.Using passive voice of non-finite verbs:
The teacher objects to them disturbing her when she's reading.
53.Using subjunctive mood:
It is absolutely essential for all the applicants to be interviewed one by one. 54.Using a proper modal auxiliary:
Jimmy had little oral practice all through the term,so he failed in the oral English test again.
55.Using a proper modal auxiliary:
The cake is a failure.It is possible that the baker used a wrong recipe.
56.Using a proper non-finite verb form:
The best man whom you should see for your eye trouble is the professor of ophthalmology. 57.Using a proper non-finite verb form:
Surely the president won't deny that he was there on that occasion.
58.Using a complex preposition:
I think the chief let us go simply because he sympathized with us in our plight. 59.Using a relative clause:
A Frenchman is coming to see me.I made his acquaintance in Paris last year. 60.Using a relative clause:
Ben came to the party in patched jeans.This surprised the other guests.
61.Using coordination:
For the first time I saw my father not as the giant of my childhood.I saw my father simply as a lonely man.
62.Using subordination:
John stood up and spoke loudly.Everyone could see and hear him.
63.Using extraposition:
Whether they will take a trip or not doesn't matter very much.
64.Using cleaving for reason adjunct:
John hadn't learned to drive because he had never had the opportunity.
65.Using partial inversion:
China will never become a super power under any circumstances.
V. Answerthe followingquestionontheANSWERSHEET.(4%×1=4%)
66.Explain with examples the coincidence between the end-focus and end-weight.